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Our Students Can Be Inventors!

Partners In Invention Education (PiE) is a member-based initiative that focuses on building strong pathways to invention and increasing the number of inventors from diverse backgrounds. PiE offers unique resources which schools, districts and community colleges can selectively use to jump start their invention education (IvE) offerings. Through PiE, the Lemelson-MIT Program (LMIT) collaborates with members to assess, design, and implement educational offerings that enable students to apply STEM knowledge to the invention of solutions to real world problems.

Activate knowledge and practices from all disciplines as students engage in problem-based learning.


Problem Finding, not just Problem Solving

Problem-solving skills are crucial for students. But LMIT's unique curriculum addresses the oft-overlooked step of teaching them how inventors identify problems and develop new and novel solutions with profound social impact. LMIT has developed a teaching system that begins at this critical stage. Our research has shown that our approach to invention education helps students—especially those underrepresented in STEM— develop confidence in their ability to engage in STEM. 

Dedication to Diversity

LMIT’s teaching system empowers all students to see themselves as inventors and STEM-capable, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. 

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